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De: "DKB-YAYIN / WBU-PUBLISHING NETWORK" <mevlana@doruk.net.tr>
Título: Re: Order "The Knowledge Book"
Fecha: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 18:47:59 +0200
Para: "Ignacio Darnaude" <ummo@hispavista.com>
Full Headers
Undecoded Letter
Dear Ignacio Darnaude,
Please be informed that we expect you to donate minimum Euro 75 for the Book and Euro 25 for postage and handling of each  (at the total ? 100.-) as a contribution to our costs of distributing the Book through out the World by transferring the amount to the following account, after receiving the Book;
Account Holder:  Ayse Bengu Colakoglu
Transfer Details:  HSBC Bank A.S. (Istanbul - Turkey)
Branch Name: Merter Branch
IBAN: TR160012300712100277677099
Account number: 712 1002776 770 99
We wish you all the wellness and ease in all your deeds.
Remain in light and peace...

Love and greetings from all of us in Istanbul.

World Brotherhood Union
Mevlana Supreme Foundation
Publishing Network
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ignacio Darnaude" <ummo@hispavista.com>
To: "Corak Vedia Bulent" <mevlana@doruk.net.tr>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 7:47 AM
Subject: Order "The Knowledge Book"

Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro,9 ( 2º B )
41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )
Página Web   :  
e-mail   :   ummo@hispavista.com

Dear Madam ,

Please send me , previous payment of its amount
, your book    "The Knowledge Book".

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards.

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